John A. Hole

My research interests are
- the application of reflection and refraction seismic and radar imaging
to the study of Earth's continental crust,
- the development and implementation of improved and practical
data acquisition and analysis techniques, and
- integration of geoscience datasets for an improved understanding of Earth.
My research emphasis is on the acquisition and analysis of seismic and radar data and
their interpretation in terms of geological structure, composition,
and tectonic processes. Applications include tectonics,
natural hazard assessment, resource exploration (mining, petroleum, groundwater),
geotechnical evaluation, archeology, and environmental studies.
Working with real data stimulates my research interest in the
development of improved field and analysis procedures, extending
traditional methods to solve geologic problems in new ways.
Methods of interest include 3-D wavefield imaging, tomography, waveform inversion, ambient-noise interferometry, prestack depth migration, migration of earthquake sources, guided waves.
Other exploration geophysics methods are of interest as they apply to specific problems.
I'm also interested in improving methods of integrating
geophysical, geological, and geochemical data and models toward a better
understanding of Earth's subsurface and Earth processes.
Current/recent projects include:
- Field Projects and Subsequent Data Analysis and Interpretation
- Technical Studies Using Synthetic and Real Data
- quantitative comparison of wavefield and waveform data from diverse sensors
- waveform inversion of wide-angle refraction and reflection data
- interferometry imaging using ambient noise recorded on dense arrays
- migration and backprojection imaging of earthquakes for rupture processes
- imaging the internal properties of major active fault zones using seismic guided waves
- resolution of travel time and waveform inversion
- ground-penetrating radar imaging of fracture aperture and fill
- quantitative integration of diverse datasets through petrophysics
I am looking for good graduate students.
Please contact me if interested.
Graduate Students and Research Associates
The geophysics group consists of several professors:
Martin Chapman,
Steve Holbrook,
John Hole,
Scott King,
Bob Lowell,
Arthur Snoke,
Sarah Stamps,
Ying Zhou.
The geophysics group maintains a network of Linux and Mac OSX
workstations, and tens of Terabytes of disk space. We have one Unix/Linux system administrator.
The Virginia Tech
Advanced Research Computing
facility operates several high-performance computer clusters that are used for geophysics and other research.
Major commercial software licenses include
suite for 3D seismic processsing (SeisSpace Promax) and seismic & stratigraphic interpretation (DecisionSpace), and
ESRI's Geographical Information System (GIS).
Seismic software developed in-house involves 3-D modeling and inversion of times and waveforms.
Exploration geophysics field equipment includes:
- Geometrics Strataview 60-channel, 24-bit seismic recording system, geophones and cables
- Sensors and Software Pulse-Echo 100 (12.5 - 200 MHz) and Noggin (250 - 1000 MHz) ground-penetrating radar
- AGI SuperSting 8-channel, 64-electrode electrical resistivity
- Geonics EM-34 ground conductivity meter
- Geophex GEM-2 electromagnetic induction
- Scintrex ENVI VLF electromagnetics with MT resistivity
- Trimble GPS surveying equipment (cm accuracy)
Department of Geosciences
Virginia Tech
4044 Derring Hall (MC 0420)
Blacksburg, VA 24061
phone: 1-540-231-3858
fax: 1-540-231-3386
office: 1040 Derring Hall
last updated April 2018
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