Courses - John A. Hole
- GEOS 2104 Elements of Geology
(Physical Geology for Engineers and Environmental Scientists)
- GEOS 4164 Potential Field Methods in Exploration Geophysics (Gravity, Magnetics, Electricity, Electromagnetism)
- GEOS 4174 Exploration Seismology
- GEOS/MATH 5144 Inverse Theory and Geoscience Applications
- GEOS 6104 Seismic Reflection Data Processing
- formerly…. GEOS 6404 Global Tectonics (co-taught with J. Spotila)
Listed Geophysics courses:
- GEOS 3104 Elementary Geophysics (geophysics profs)
- GEOS 4124 Seismic Stratigraphy (Romans)
- GEOS 4154 Earthquake Seismology (Zhou)
- GEOS 4164 Potential Field Methods in Exploration Geophysics (Hole)
- GEOS 4174 Exploration Seismology (Hole)
- GEOS 5114 Theoretical Seismology (Zhou)
- GEOS 5144 Inverse Theory and Geoscience Applications (Hole)
- GEOS 5154 Strong Ground Motion and Earthquake Hazards (Chapman)
- GEOS 6104 Advanced Topics in Geophysics (as desired)
- GEOS 6194 Seminar in Geophysics (geophysics profs)
The following are being offered as "special studies" or "advanced topics", or are under consideration for the near future:
- Geodynamics (King)
- Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (King)
- Physics of the Earth (Lowell)
- Processes at Mid-Ocean Ridges (Lowell)
Geophysics grad students often take additional courses in geology
(e.g., tectonics, sed/strat, hydrology), math (e.g., numerical methods),
and/or engineering (e.g., continuum mechanics, wave propagation).
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