last updated December 1996
HOLE, J. A., and B. C. Beaudoin, 1996.
Wide-angle seismic constraints on the evolution of the deep plate boundary beneath the California Coast Ranges.
Eos Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, 77, Fall Meeting Suppl., San Francisco, F743.
HOLE, J. A., and B. C. Beaudoin, 1996.
Deep 3d structure of the San Francisco Bay Area and California Coast Ranges.
Abstracts with Programs, Geol. Soc. Amer. Annual Meeting, Denver, A-196.
HOLE, J. A., and B. C. Beaudoin, 1996.
Deep 3d structure of the San Francisco Bay Area and California Coast Ranges.
Seventh Int. Symp. Deep Seismic Profiling of the Continents, Asilomar CA, 64.
HOLE, J. A., S. L. Klemperer, B. C. Zelt, and H. Thybo, 1996.
Turning-wave reflections from deep vertical faults.
Seventh Int. Symp. Deep Seismic Profiling of the Continents, Asilomar CA, 119.
Parsons, T., J. McCarthy, M. L. Zoback, P. Hart, and J. HOLE, 1996.
Crustal structure and deep reflective character across the San Andreas fault zone: San Francisco Bay Area, California.
Seventh Int. Symp. Deep Seismic Profiling of the Continents, Asilomar CA, 53.
J. HOLE, 1996.
Tomographic inversion of wide-angle seismic data.
Commission for Controlled Source Seismology (IASPEI-IUGG) Workshop, Cambridge, UK.
J. HOLE, 1996.
Three-dimensional crustal-scale controlled-source seismology.
Commission for Controlled Source Seismology (IASPEI-IUGG) Workshop, Cambridge, UK.
HOLE, J. A., S. L. Klemperer, and T. M. Brocher, 1995.
Mapping a possible detachment beneath the San Francisco Bay area.
Eos Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, 76, Fall Meeting Suppl., San Francisco, F549.
Beaudoin, B. C., J. A. HOLE, and the Mendocino Working Group, 1995.
Three-dimensional crustal velocity structure south of the Mendocino Triple Junction.
Eos Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, 76, Fall Meeting Suppl., San Francisco, F628.
HOLE, J. A., H. Thybo, S. L. Klemperer, T. M. Brocher, and W. S. Holbrook, 1995.
Seismic reflections from the near-vertical San Andreas Fault.
European Geophysical Society Annual Mtg., Hamburg.
HOLE, J. A., H. Thybo, S. L. Klemperer, T. M. Brocher, and W. S. Holbrook, 1994.
Seismic reflections from the near-vertical San Andreas Fault.
Eos Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, 75, Fall Meeting Suppl., San Francisco, 643.
Mendocino94 Working Group, 1994.
Three-dimensional imaging of the Mendocino Triple Junction: Results from the Mendocino Triple Junction seismic experiment.
Eos Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, 75, Fall Meeting Suppl., San Francisco, 474.
Benz, H. M., J. A. HOLE, and K. P. Furlong, 1994.
Three-dimensional crustal structure of the San Andreas fault system of northern California.
Eos Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, 75, Fall Meeting Suppl., San Francisco, 642.
Holbrook, W. S., T. M. Brocher, J. McCarthy, J. A. HOLE, and U. S. ten Brink, 1994.
Crustal structure beneath the San Francisco Bay block and central California continental margin.
Eos Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, 75, Fall Meeting Suppl., San Francisco, 664.
Benz, H. M., B. A. Chouet, P. B. Dawson, J. C. Lahr, R. A. Page, and J. A. HOLE, 1994.
Three-dimensional P and S-wave velocity structure of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska.
Seismological Research Letters, 65, Pasadena, 55.
HOLE, J. A., W. S. Holbrook, S. L. Klemperer, U. S. ten Brink, and T. M. Brocher, 1993.
Crustal structure in the San Francisco Bay Area from wide-angle seismic refraction data.
Eos Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, 74, Fall Meeting Suppl., San Francisco, 445.
HOLE, J. A., S. L. Klemperer, T. M. Brocher, W. S. Holbrook, and U. S. ten Brink, 1993.
Data and results from BASIX wide-angle seismic reflection and refraction in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Abstracts with Programs, Geol. Soc. Amer. Annual Meeting, Boston, 418.
Brocher, T. M., W. S. Holbrook, U. S. ten Brink, J. A. HOLE, and S. L. Klemperer, 1993.
Results from wide-angle seismic reflection and refraction profiling of the San Francisco Bay area during BASIX.
Abstracts with Programs, Geol. Soc. Amer. Annual Meeting, Boston, 418.
HOLE, J. A., M. M. Fliedner, and S. L. Klemperer, 1993.
Three-dimensional analysis and inversion of BABEL seismic refraction data from the Bothnian Sea.
Commission for Controlled Source Seismology (IASPEI-IUGG) BABEL Workshop, Moscow.
HOLE, J. A., R. M. Clowes, and R. M. Ellis, 1992.
Three-dimensional seismic velocity structure of the shallow crust beneath western Hecate Strait, British Columbia.
Eos Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, 73, Spring Meeting Suppl., Montreal, 205.
HOLE, J. A., 1991.
Rapid nonlinear high-resolution 3d seismic travel time tomography.
Eos Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, 72, Fall Meeting Suppl., San Francisco, 334.
HOLE, J. A., R. M. Clowes, and R. M. Ellis, 1990.
Three-dimensional travel time modeling in the Queen Charlotte Basin, offshore west coast Canada.
Eos Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, 71, San Francisco, 1589.
Rohr, K., G. Spence, J. Sweeney, R. Currie, R. Clowes, J. Dietrich, R. Ellis, and J. HOLE, 1989.
Marine geophysical studies in the Queen Charlotte Basin: A progress report.
Can. Soc. Explor. Geophys. / Can. Soc. Petrol. Geol. Joint Convention Program, Calgary, 162.