last updated April 2019
* indicates my student or postdoctoral advisees
Beskardes*, G. D., Q. Wu, J. A. Hole, M. C. Chapman, K. K. Davenport*, L. D. Brown, and D. A. Quiros, 2019.
Aftershock sequence of the 2011 Virginia earthquake derived from the dense AIDA array and backprojection.
Bull. Seismol. Soc. Amer., 109, 19-33.
Beskardes*, G. D., J. A. Hole, K. Wang*, M. Michaelides, Q. Wu, M. C. Chapman, K. K. Davenport*, L. D. Brown, and D. A. Quiros, 2018.
A comparison of earthquake backprojection imaging methods for dense local arrays.
Geophys. J. Int., 212, 1986-2002.
Tikoff, B., M. J. Kahn, R. M. Gaschnig, Z. D. Michaels, K. Davenport*, J. A. Hole, A. C. Stanciu, A. K. Fayon, and S. C. Kruckenberg, 2017.
Exploring the western Idaho shear zone using the StraboSpot data system.
In R. A. Haugerud, and H. M. Kelsey, eds., From the Puget Lowland to East of the Cascade Range: Geologic Excursions in the Pacific Northwest.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Field Guide, 49, 229-254.
Fuis, G. S., K. Bauer, M. R. Goldman, T. Ryberg, V. E. Langenheim, D. S. Scheirer, M. J. Rymer, J. M. Stock, J. A. Hole, R. D. Catchings, R. W. Graves, and B. Aagaard, 2017.
Subsurface geometry of the San Andreas Fault in southern California: Results from the Salton Seismic Imaging Project (SSIP) and strong ground motion expectations.
Bull. Seismol. Soc. Amer., 107, 1642–1662.
Quiros, D., L. D. Brown, K. K. Davenport*, J. A. Hole, A. Cabolova, C. Chen, L. Han*, M. C. Chapman, and W. D. Mooney, 2017.
Reflection imaging with earthquake sources and dense arrays.
J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 122, 3076-3098.
Davenport*, K. K., J. A. Hole, B. Tikoff, R. M. Russo, and S. H. Harder, 2017.
A strong contrast in crustal architecture from accreted terranes to craton, constrained by controlled-source seismic data in Idaho and eastern Oregon.
Lithosphere, 9, 325-340.
Tikoff, B., J. Vervoort, J. A. Hole, R. Russo, R. Gaschnig, and A. Fayon, 2017.
Introduction: EarthScope IDOR project (deformation and magmatic modification of a steep continental margin, western Idaho – eastern Oregon) themed issue.
Lithosphere, 9, 151-156.
Han*, L., J. A. Hole, J. M. Stock, G. S. Fuis, C. F. Williams, J. R. Delph*, K. K. Davenport*, and A. J. Livers*, 2016.
Seismic imaging of the metamorphism of young sediment into new crystalline crust in the actively rifting Imperial Valley, California.
Geochem., Geophys., Geosyst. (G-Cubed), 17, 4566–4584.
Stanciu, A. C., R. M. Russo, V. I. Mocanu, P. M. Bremner, S. Hongsresawat, M. E. Torpey, J. C. VanDecar, D. A. Foster, and J. A. Hole, 2016.
Crustal structure beneath the Blue Mountains terranes and cratonic North America, Eastern Oregon and Idaho, from teleseismic receiver functions.
J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 121, 5049-5067.
Han*, L., J. A. Hole, J. M. Stock, G. S. Fuis, A. M. Kell, N. W. Driscoll, G. M. Kent, A. J. Harding, M. J. Rymer, A. Gonzalez-Fernandez, and O. Lazaro-Mancilla, 2016.
Continental rupture and the creation of new crust in the Salton Trough rift, southern California and northern Mexico: Results from the Salton Seismic Imaging Project.
J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 121, 7469-7489.
Persaud, P., Y. Ma, J. M. Stock, J. A. Hole, G. S. Fuis, and L. Han*, 2016.
Fault zone characteristics and basin complexity in the southern Salton Trough, California.
Geology, 44, 747-750.
Davenport*, K. K., J. A. Hole, D. A. Quiros, L. D. Brown, M. C. Chapman, L. Han*, and W. D. Mooney, 2015.
Aftershock imaging using a dense seismometer array (AIDA) after the 2011 Mineral, Virginia, earthquake.
In J. W. Horton Jr., M. C. Chapman, and R. A. Green, eds., The Mineral, Virginia, Earthquake, and Its Significance for Seismic Hazards in Eastern North America,
Geol. Soc. Amer. Special Paper, 509, 273-283.
Rose, E.J., G.S. Fuis, J.M. Stock, J. A. Hole, A.M. Kell, G. Kent, N.W. Driscoll, M. Goldman, A.M. Reusch, L. Han*, R.R. Sickler, R.D. Catchings, M.J. Rymer, C.J. Criley, D.S. Scheirer, S.M. Skinner, C.J. Slayday-Criley, J.M. Murphy, J.M. Jensen, R. McClearn, A.J. Ferguson, L.A. Butcher, M.A. Gardner, I. Emmons, C.L. Loughran, J.R. Svitek, P.C. Bastien, J.A. Cotton, D.S. Croker, A.J. Harding, J.M. Babcock, S.H. Harder, and C.M. Rosa, 2013.
Borehole-explosion and air-gun data acquired in the 2011 Salton Seismic Imaging Project (SSIP), southern California - Description of the survey.
U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report, 2013-1172, 83 pp.
Ryberg, T., J. A. Hole, G. S. Fuis, M. J. Rymer, F. Bleibinhaus*, D. Stromeyer, and K. Bauer, 2012.
Tomographic Vp and Vs structure of the California Central Coast Ranges, in the vicinity of SAFOD, from controlled-source seismic data.
Geophys. J. Int., 190, 1341-1360.
J. A. Hole, 2011.
Earthquake Hazards: Rivers, rifts and ruptures.
Nature Geoscience, 4, 428-429.
Wu*, J., and J. A. Hole, 2011.
Refraction of fault-zone guided seismic waves.
Bull. Seismol. Soc. Amer., 101, 1674-1682.
Stephenson, A. L., G. D. Spence, K. Wang*, J. A. Hole, K. C. Miller, R. M. Clowes, S. H. Harder, and G. M. Kaip, 2011.
Crustal velocity structure of the southern Nechako Basin, British Columbia, from wide-angle seismic traveltime inversion.
Canadian J. Earth Sci., 48, 1050-1063.
Wu*, J., J. A. Hole, and J. A. Snoke, 2010.
Fault-zone structure at depth from differential dispersion of seismic guided waves: evidence for a deep waveguide on the San Andreas Fault.
Geophys. J. Int., 182, 343-354.
Bleibinhaus*, F., W. R. Lester*, and J. A. Hole, 2009.
Applying full waveform inversion to wide-angle seismic surveys.
Tectonophysics, 472, 238-248.
Brancato*, A., J. A. Hole, S. Gresta, and J. N. Beale, 2009.
Determination of seismogenic structures in southeastern Sicily (Italy) by high-precision relative location of micro-earthquakes.
Bull. Seismol. Soc. Amer., 99, 1921-1936.
Catchings, R. D., D. S. Powars, G. S. Gohn, J. W. Horton Jr., M. R. Goldman, and J. A. Hole, 2008.
Anatomy of the Chesapeake Bay impact structure revealed by seismic imaging, Delmarva Peninsula, Virginia, USA.
J. Geophys. Res., 113, B08413, 21 pp.
Wu*, J., J. A. Hole, J. A. Snoke, and M. G. Imhof, 2008.
Depth extent of the fault zone seismic waveguide: Effects of increasing velocity with depth.
Geophys. J. Int., 173, 611-622.
Bleibinhaus*, F., J. A. Hole, T. Ryberg, and G. S. Fuis, 2007.
Structure of the California Coast Ranges and San Andreas Fault at SAFOD from seismic waveform inversion and reflection imaging.
J. Geophys. Res., 112, B06315.
Hole, J. A., T. Ryberg, G. S. Fuis, F. Bleibinhaus*, and A. K. Sharma*, 2006.
Structure of the San Andreas fault zone at SAFOD from a seismic refraction survey.
Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L07312.
Hole, J. A., C. A. Zelt, and R. G. Pratt, 2005.
Advances in controlled-source seismic imaging.
Eos Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, 86, 177 & 181 (cover article).
Aster, R., B. Beaudoin, J. A. Hole, M. Fouch, J. Fowler, and D. James, 2005.
IRIS seismology program marks 20 years of discover.
Eos Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, 86, 171-172.
Gettemy, G. L., H. J. Tobin, J. A. Hole, and A. Y. Sayed*, 2004.
Multi-scale compressional wave velocity structure of the San Gregorio Fault zone.
Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L06601.
Anderson, K. B., J. A. Spotila, and J. A. Hole, 2003.
Application of geomorphic analysis and ground penetrating radar to
characterization of paleoseismic sites in dynamic alluvial environments:
An example from southern California.
Tectonophysics, 368, 25-32.
Catchings, R. D., M. J. Rymer, M. R. Goldman, J. A. Hole, R. Huggins, and C. Lippus, 2002.
High-resolution seismic velocities and shallow structure of the San Andreas fault zone at Middle Mountain, Parkfield, California.
Bull. Seismol. Soc. Amer., 92, 2493-2503.
Parsons, T., J. McCarthy, P. E. Hart, J. A. Hole, J. Childs, D. H. Oppenheimer, and M. L. Zoback, 2002.
A review of faults and crustal structure in the San Francisco Bay area as revealed by seismic studies: 1991-1997.
U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper, 1658, 119-145.
Hole, J. A., R. D. Catchings, K. C. St. Clair*, M. J. Rymer, D. A. Okaya, and B. J. Carney*, 2001.
Steep-dip seismic imaging of the shallow San Andreas Fault near Parkfield.
Science, 294, 1513-1515.
Hole, J. A., B. C. Beaudoin, and S. L. Klemperer, 2000.
Vertical extent of the newborn San Andreas fault at the Mendocino triple junction.
Geology, 28, 1111-1114.
Hole, J. A., T. M. Brocher, S. L. Klemperer, T. Parsons, H. M. Benz, and K. P. Furlong, 2000.
Three-dimensional seismic velocity structure of the San Francisco Bay area.
J. Geophys. Res., 105, 13,859-13,874.
Hole, J. A., 2000.
Reflection and refraction imaging of steeply dipping faults.
in Jacob, A. W. B., Bean, C. J., and Jacob, S. T. F, eds., Active and Passive Seismic Techniques Reviewed, Communications Dublin Inst. Adv. Stud., Series D, Geophys. Bull., 49, 63-65.
Hole, J. A., and M. G. Imhof, 2000.
Resolution issues in travel time tomography.
in Jacob, A. W. B., Bean, C. J., and Jacob, S. T. F, eds., Active and Passive Seismic Techniques Reviewed, Communications Dublin Inst. Adv. Stud., Series D, Geophys. Bull., 49, 32-34.
Beaudoin, B. C., J. A. Hole, S. L. Klemperer, and A. M. Trehu, 1998.
Location of the southern edge of the Gorda slab and evidence for an adjacent asthenospheric window: Results from seismic profiling and gravity.
J. Geophys. Res., 103, 30,101-30,115.
Hole, J. A., B. C. Beaudoin, and T. J. Henstock, 1998.
Wide-angle seismic constraints on the evolution of the deep San Andreas plate boundary by Mendocino triple junction migration.
Tectonics, 17, 802-818.
Henstock, T. J., A. Levander, and J. A. Hole, 1997.
Deformation in the lower crust of the San Andreas Fault
system in northern California.
Science, 278, 650-653.
Holbrook, W. S., T. M. Brocher, U. S. ten Brink, and J. A. Hole, 1996.
Crustal structure of a transform plate boundary: San Francisco Bay and the central California continental margin.
J. Geophys. Res., 101, 22,311-22,344.
Parsons, T., J. McCarthy, W. M. Kohler, C. J. Ammon, H. M. Benz, J. A. Hole, and E. E. Criley, 1996.
Crustal structure of the Colorado Plateau, Arizona: Application of new long-offset seismic data analysis techniques.
J. Geophys. Res., 101, 11,173-11,194.
Zelt, B. C., R. M. Ellis, R. M. Clowes, and J. A. Hole, 1996.
Inversion of three-dimensional wide-angle seismic data from the southwestern Canadian Codillera.
J. Geophys. Res., 101, 8503-8529.
Benz, H. M., B. A. Chouet, P. B. Dawson, J. C. Lahr, R. A. Page, and J. A. Hole, 1996.
Three-dimensional P and S wave velocity structure of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska.
J. Geophys. Res., 101, 8111-8128.
Hole, J. A., H. Thybo, and S. L. Klemperer, 1996.
Seismic reflections from the near-vertical San Andreas Fault.
Geophys. Res. Lett., 23, 237-240.
Hole, J. A., M. M. Fliedner, and S. L. Klemperer, 1996.
Three-dimensional analysis and inversion of BABEL seismic refraction data from the Bothnian Sea.
in R. Meissner, D. Blundell, D. Snyder and J. McBride, eds., The BABEL project - Final status report, Deep reservoir geology programme, EUR 16486, European Commission, Luxembourg, 135-141.
Trehu, A. M., and the Mendocino Working Group, 1995.
Pulling the rug out from under California: Seismic images of the Mendocino Triple Junction region.
Eos Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, 76, 369&380-381.
Hole, J. A., and B. C. Zelt, 1995.
3-D finite-difference reflection traveltimes.
Geophys. J. Int., 121, 427-434.
Brocher, T. M., J. McCarthy, P. E. Hart, W. S. Holbrook, K. P. Furlong, T. V. McEvilly, J. A. Hole, and S. L. Klemperer, 1994.
Seismic evidence for a lower-crustal detachment beneath San Francisco Bay, California.
Science, 265, 1436-1439.
Hole, J. A., R. M. Clowes, and R. M. Ellis, 1993.
Interpretation of three-dimensional seismic refraction data from western Hecate Strait, British Columbia: Structure of the Queen Charlotte Basin.
Can. J. Earth Sci., 30, 1427-1439.
Hole, J. A., R. M. Clowes, and R. M. Ellis, 1993.
Interpretation of three-dimensional seismic refraction data from western Hecate Strait, British Columbia: Structure of the crust.
Can. J. Earth Sci., 30, 1440-1452.
Hole, J. A., 1992.
Nonlinear high-resolution three-dimensional seismic travel time tomography.
J. Geophys. Res., 97, 6553-6562.
Hole, J. A., R. M. Clowes, and R. M. Ellis, 1992.
Interface inversion using broadside seismic refraction data and three-dimensional travel time calculations.
J. Geophys. Res., 97, 3417-3429.
Spence, G. D., T. Yuan, J. A. Hole, I. Asudeh, R. M. Ellis, R. M. Clowes, K. M. M. Rohr, and R. D. Hyndman, 1992.
Queen Charlotte Basin Refraction Experiment, 1988.
Geol. Surv. Canada Open File 2544, 51 pp.
Spence, G. D., J. A. Hole, I. Asudeh, R. M. Ellis, R. M. Clowes, T. Yuan, and K. M. M. Rohr, 1991.
A seismic refraction study in the Queen Charlotte Basin, British Columbia.
in G. J. Woodsworth, ed., Evolution and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Queen Charlotte Basin, British Columbia, Geol. Surv. Canada Paper 90-10, 135-149.